Soup & Me

February 21, 2009 § 2 Comments

Dear God,

Being sad just wont do. And complaining is just plain rude.

But, I want to tell you,God..that this week has been hard. Saving the whinney thoughts, like getting my phone stolen today, I’ll tell you the worse part was those times I had to sink my teeth in thoughts the size of a pancake stack. Contemplating whether I stood right in the activities I was taking part in. I’ve been hurting my close friends all these while and loosing their trust and respect. Hurts me so bad that I just cant spit out a proper yes.

It is my grandest and I have to say that it is my only purpose to live a life that is purposeful and that serves your name. I remember, you have said that you have come so that we may have life and life to its fullest. So. You see that I am in deed in a predicament.

But,I’m reminding myself that altho my thoughts are stuck in a bundle, my hope shan’t go on and dwindle. Altho class has just been a crowdy lot of heat and pages after pages of copying notes, still new and wonderful friendships you have put at motion. They have made days a little less in a -shall I say it..constipated state of mind. Ive got to look at the brighter side, I know, the lighter shades of the meadow! Tomorrow and next Sunday will find me anew in search of your favour.

There is just a last thought I have to clip in with this, and that is..

Dear God,

You make the cutest creations and I have been enjoying moments of wonderful reading of a book by a Robert Newton Peck about them. He writes the funniest and the loveliest sentences I have ever read in the easiest way to comprehend. He writes about two particular boys, Rob and Soup at that the certain age where they are very mischievious and simply adorable. I found it in my school library, great isn’t it..


So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night

The sun has gone to bed and so must I


Aunt Carrie took one look at us and there was a big discussion as to where our clothes were. So we told the truth. No fib could ever have been as wild. We both got a whale of a licking for going swimming in May, losing our clothes to a bully, and sneaking in to rob the Baptists.

The next day at school I saw my undershorts, just after Janice Riker dropped her pencil.





What a beautiful mess this is..

February 16, 2009 § 3 Comments

Dear God,

Roughly,yesterday I figured out why I’ve been looking forward to church much much more these months or so. I guess amidst the changes going on, church stays the same. Feels like home when I’m there. I know for sure that every of my Sundays are booked, tho it may not sound nice..its a good thing.

I want to thank you for being so good to me. Ive got great news that I got to the class that I applied for. Only you know how long that month of awful awful decision-making and finally realisation,and running around chasing teachers,talking to teachers and writing to teachers will affect me staying  put on my own reasoning. That’s why its so important that this is scribbled down somewhere and also that I am at bliss that I no longer have to study in that science class. Ive trusted you and Im sure that you will indefinitely make all things beautiful in your time, just as you have now.

I had the possibly weirdest or the most nicest dreams ever,on occasionally, Valentine’s night. The hope of it coming true is I’m sure covered in time. The reality of the dream was amazing, which makes me admire my own imagination actually. Albeit, I have a feeling that it might just be the last I will encounter in reality or in the not-so-reality of states, of that one. So many questions boggled up about it, yet I know that you have it all behind smiling pursed lips. The last feeling I had about it was not a sad one, cause the dream was ending..but I felt a little happier and fine leaving that dreamee. Its quite something, God.

God, let me be all that you want for me.


im tired,Goodnight.

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