Coming home

March 20, 2009 § Leave a comment

Dear God,

I thank you for the new tasks and opportunities you’ve laid on my path. I want to be grateful for how they have stretched me although yet I have seen the lengths I’ve grown. You’ve said to be immovable and abounding in your work, Lord. Because knowing my labor in you is not in vain.


There are so many worries to be taken out of my jar to be whined, fumbled and teared over. But Lord, nothing is moving me more than you. There’s a song..


You are holy holy, Lord there is none like you

You are holy holy, glory to you alone.


I’ll sing your praises forever, deeper in love with you

Here in you courts where I’m close to your throne,

I’ve found where I belong.


It makes me ashamed of all the complain I come up with. Makes me wonder why I feel the sorrow that I’ve frivolously picked up and hid in my heart. You have blessed my every hour even on days that to my eyes were painted in sourness, and brought me gifts I do not merit. Somehow slipped a guitar and it’s long procrastinated ways into my hands to bring me joy and erudition of melody.


I gather all the noise in my head and the future into your hands, the people I try so hard to love or at the least try to show I love them and my own desires into your grasps. I ask that you will let me keep that wonderful sunny temperament and cover all of them that are dear.



In solemn adoration,



Where Am I?

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