It’s not a silly little moment, its not a storm before the calm.

April 27, 2009 § Leave a comment

Dear God,

I know I really talk alot and it goes round the world added with my realisations, resolutions and what not.

Still, I’m serious about this. I want to try hving a means to release my thoughts into something. A way of uncluttering my thoughts and stacking my pile of worry aside. Its sounding delectable even now, you could feel the warmth of a smile.

Over time, I know for sure that writing has got a  effect on me altho sometimes it varies. So, as suggested by a friend I should have a write-it-all-in book. Its about time that i dealt with my 0h-so-not-positive side, by doing something to improve myself.

Besides, its definitely from you that I’ve met the people that I have, especially in the class I’m in. A part of my goal is slowly showing accomplishment. ‘To see, to find out’  An account like this would not suffice, maybe a report would my thoughts consider then because sometimes people are the opposite of what you expect. Teaches you not to judge without proof, at the same time even if they are as you thought, in time you would understand why the cake came out the oven the way it did. Us humans are so complex, yet as the world puts it there are fingers of a hand that can count the things that they  say satisfy us to oblivian.

I only agree with the part that we need love.

So this is the outline, which is to focus on self-improvement and positiveness. Everyone has to go get a shower if theyre feeling crummy. Split the windows, and eat in the crisp air when its knots in theyre tummy.


I wish you goodnight,

even if youre right beside me.




My dear,we’re slow dancing in a burning room

April 17, 2009 § Leave a comment

Dear God,

Its leaving me you know..Those delightful days when I didnt have to even try, and smiles would just find their way to the corners of my mouth. At the back of my mind I know the reason why this is happening. Oh God, this is painful.

Still, I want to thank you for taking care of my father. You have answered the prayer I prayed in the hospital.



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