For a saviour

May 1, 2009 § 3 Comments

Dear God,

I’m sorry. I was suppose to have some time set apart for you today, I even told you that but seems the day is over and a new day is set in its place already.

I need your help, Lord to find a designer to bring up a logo and also a verse to go with it for an upcoming event. Please lift this other burden; The same feeling I’ve had towards my school’s cf is having a return. I accurately dislike the feeling of thinking I’m the only one left with the pail and mop. Always giving myself headaches upon headaches thinking I’m the one and only to do that particular task, one that just so happens to be monumental.

In any case, I’m not alone, so I’ve obediently wrote down that I will set up the cereal, bowl, cold milk, spoon and a hungry person, what not..but you will be the significant act to fill an empty stomach. There’s to many things out of my hands.

I know I’ve been real positive about things especially to do with ‘self-improvement’. Although you, as the marvel you are already know my feelings. That the mistakes we make daily, and the attitudes that we carry give us the identity and character we so casually call ourselves “I”. And that too much change isn’t exactly what a person needs, -putting the change of belief aside. Still, I know deep in myself that change is what I need.

There’s a new muscle in my mind and its making me act on the things I’ve for too long kept under the ” I already know, and understand that there’s nothing I can do about it” stack. But, its a new muscle for all it resorts to solve a problem is to simple mindedly use more honesty – a gentle but smart honesty. I do not want to scold anymore or be defensive, I just want a person to know what I think and not just turn a deaf ear about it and label it as being merciful.

 I believe and am focusing on underlining Grace and Mercy in my book, but I want to atleast say, try to make a point for a person to know their wrong. Given the right time, person, situation and all of it has to follow what I’ve learnt about God and the way he treated the people he met day in and out.

I’m far from the Son of Man, but a conscience is stepping out and making it’s way into daylight. Doesnt seem too possible, but I’m determined to do more for you. I’m in abundance in love towards you, I cant just stay still can I?


In rough translation,

Ce pour vous


avec amour,


Where Am I?

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