It’s all about you

June 25, 2009 § Leave a comment

Dear God,

Just when I was getting out of breath, you give me enough to keep my head up.

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

I might be very late to discover this verse for myself, but I know you have hand-picked it for me with its own tag of significance.

I’m learning so much so far, specificly from the class I’m in. From the other students who live much differently and how they take life in their eyes. I dont love changes, but I do love exploring and making buddies. I read this christian article in a magazine today, and one of the quotes says that, It always strikes me, and it is very peculiar that when we see the image of the indesribable and unutterable desolation -of loneliness, of poverty and misery, the end of all things, or their extreme – then rises in our mind the thought of God. You know that another big part of my life is moving away soon and Ive just thought of you. How lonely you must’ve been deep inside when you came here. I may not be you, but I am following you footsteps. We’ll work things out, wont we..

And God, I’ve gotten so used to saying yes that now when i’m forced to say otherwise, a deep sorrow finds itself.  Such is a part of growing up huh? You’d know it.


“Thank you, for everything..”

Thats for you.

The many colors your moon changes into,in a day

June 25, 2009 § 1 Comment

Dear God,

                The possiblities are endless to what I can tell you now. It feels like my heart is only open to script our conversation here. First, I think, I’m ready to be baptised. All smiles! Feels like its time, and I’m unafraid of what to say when I have to go up and speak. I am at the point that I see the spread of soft green fields and its where I’m sure that even if I am somehow disconnected from you, I already have a part of you with me.

8th june

Do I have to fall asleep with roses in my hands

June 2, 2009 § 1 Comment

Dear God,

              I’m not unhappy. I may be alone where human eyes can only cast sight but I am not lonely. I have you. And maybe sometimes, all I should need is you.

             I thank you for blessing my sibling. Its her time to see the blue in your skies, I’m sure you’ll put precious things in her heart. One more may leave, but once the more a new part of me will grow. I believe everything has its turn at changing course and life is not like chasing wind. More like chasing the kites in the wind,God. Or the colorful dainty daisies in the air.

            And, the wild flowers white,pink and most of all yellow..They are extraodinarily simple yet they are so beautiful to me. I have a favourite now, out of the flowers you lay in their beds. You made them to be called daisies.




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