
September 12, 2009 § 4 Comments

Dear You away from sight in those silver-lined clouds,

Makarios is a Greek word that brings the meaning blessed, happy, fulfilled.

We were in our usual cement box this week but only to have a short prayer meeting. Personally, I wanted the song Heart of  Worship to be sung.. It pulled me back to you so easily just less of a week before. As I opened my eyes at the end of the song and after the prayer, I saw theirs. I felt emotional after I poured my heart into that prayer. I was so touched by you.

And it couldve been anything, but I saw those blushed noses and moist eye rims. They felt what I felt. Amazing.

I know that many things have relation to my mother lately, this too. She made me clearly fix my eyes to the fact that there were many deaths happening. She impressed on me that how it is so important for us to pray over our lives and be grounded in your word. In many lives, people let things slip by and with time storms of days,months and years get twirled into the distance. We let slip something very important. Our faith and the truth that this life is not our own. We’re to serve a magtitude of a purpose.

Today’s focus was of  The Future. Our concerns, our hopes.

Father, you have made every one of them so very important to me. Dont let them go. See? How much they need you. I wish I could do more, I want to. Help me, Lord.


I pray just as I know in eternity I will be, they will be too




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