An old memory

October 1, 2009 § Leave a comment

“maybe we’ll try to be better this time..”

Dear you -my hiding place,

I saw the picture of us all together, just as we were only last year. My heart fell and the sight grew terribly saddening. Thoughts of how could it be that merely months could unravel such a difference in these lives. Things arent the same, and are lost to continue from where we left off when that year ended. Like it never happened at all.

There’s many things a leader goes through. Many things that sometimes, ..i wish the arrow of blame would disappear instead of striking when a misunderstanding surfaces. Yes, I blame myself.

I wish i’d been more careful, I wish i’d recorded every moment of it.. I wish i  knew also where i went wrong.

truly bittersweet. and how it makes me yearn to be perfect.

And albeit at the very beginning i thought this was all about you, see that you’ve pulled me in so deep and have made me fall in love with this little organisation; its people.. till I became part and puzzle. and now, what  i can hear is you tellling me not to cry.

Yet, to note that Darkness brings its massiveness, i feel that gently Hope softly nudges my heart that Dawn isnt far away.

Fault, fault.

..perhaps like the metaphorical man wounded by an arrow… The man would be foolish if he tried to discover who shot the arrow, why he shot it, and so forth, before having the arrow removed and the wound treated, lest he bleed to death attempting to get his questions answered.

Thus, it is the same that i move on and focus on the present -still I carry the lesson I’ve learnt through inked skin.



only perfected in you,


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