
April 10, 2010 § Leave a comment

You who spoke the beginning, said

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?[a] Is anything worth more than your soul?

We’re getting so caught up in this life. So caught up in exams, jobs, our love, and all the things that only matter if tomorrow Jesus doesn’t arrive. Have we been praying for our loved ones.

I can’t bare the thought of it. I can’t bare the thought of you, whom I treat as a brother tell me that you’d rather let yourself die an infinity of deaths if ever your loved ones were to have that fate. How can you say that? How can I never see you again if one day you were to leave here. Don’t tell me such nonsense. It’s too much to ever take in, it will not happen.

How do I tell you that unless you believe, you lose your soul.

Why go to hell with them? And not bring them along to heaven.

Things have been slipping so much. They’ve gotten bad till its so dark. Here on one hand I hold Yours, and with the other hand I try to hold onto everything else. I’m struggling -with my fingers hooking onto the ends of their clothes. I’m holding these really important people,then, I’m holding onto my own life.

And so I ask myself, what do I benefit if I gain the world but lose my soul?

Where Am I?

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