waiting by the postbox

July 18, 2011 § Leave a comment

I just want you to know I’m still here.

Still in the same state of mind that if you call me, I will pull it together and go.

I know I’m supposed to get ready, you know, read the Bible more and be consistent with my walk with you. I am struggling, not in a big way, just walking really slowly.

Everyday is so inconsistent, its hard one day then the next day is so bland that I forget it even happened by the next day. But just like I was singing the other night, I know I’m getting more faithful. I know that as forgettable as they may seem as a bunch of days, fine gold strands of faith is being lined against another. I’m hopeful that I am growing, don’t look past me.

Sometimes the thoughts I have are so murderous to the things I’ve learnt. Why do we fight so often.

Why is it that we hurt the most, those we love the most?


Its a gloomy night without Mel to talk to..


for once, kelly.

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