
September 13, 2011 § Leave a comment

A rare and wonderful conversation happened between me and two others separately. We all were on the same page of Relationships. Most worn-out and read page in a teenager’s kamus.

Two of us were facing struggles with relationships; the one fallen into, and the relationship that was coming up ahead. Then the third just said to follow your heart.

Its pretty simple. But who knew i’d actually be one of them, those kiddies who get influenced by peer pressure. People say it so often its like ordering a plate of char kuey teow. No one ever thinks it’d be this unreasonable. It’s so private, letting someone else get to know you enough to try and make decisions for you. Like you’re retard and can’t take the obvious next step – Initiate the relationship. Start. Go.

Its just more of hesitating and taking a step front, and inching backwards when you know you’re not into it. Cancel that consultation with the brain, cause the heart has already make a decision. It’s the wrong time, and i’m hoping as nice as he is, that he’s the wrong guy.

Do you think you’re ready to grow into being a husband? Thats why relationships are scary. But I want to choose something that will not see me scarred and left with memories with someone I have to try to forget.

What do I do now?


Epiphany: a revelation, a surprise, an eye-opener


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