Then again..

December 9, 2011 § Leave a comment

Life goes on from all the melodrama:)


I’m just gotta jot down something, so i don’t forget.

That I read the bible to include my God, in my life. Sometimes I forget to talk or even pray before meals, but to read, understand and wonder is like taking time to spend with a friend. I’m making an effort to include my friend into my life. Just like making a call to go get a meal together.

To another.. Yes, I hardly know what I want, if you ask me now. But I know some things, and others you have to give me time.


Honesty,the best policy. Honestly.



Wanting to run away

December 7, 2011 § Leave a comment


You wanna be in control of things, but things dont include the heart. as cheezy as it sounds.

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