
February 19, 2012 § Leave a comment

Sometimes I wonder too much.

Do you like brain-picking? Cause I do, and I already have so many questions for you.

Are we (humans/your creation) what you want us to be? I mean, if it were the perfect world we wouldn’t exist. Not literally, but our conscience, our thoughts and discernment would be different. We wouldn’t be us.


My weekdays and weekends have been as defined and separated as the earth is from the sky. Exaggeration in tiny measures, 5 days of the week I’m bulldozing myself through classes and work and research project and extra-curricular and tuition. And by Friday all thoughts of work shoot out my metaphorical mind, and the impact strongly carries me through day-long outings with different groups of friends. Just this weekend, there were 3.

Is Uppersix going to be this crazy? I need to mentally prepare myself.

Reading novels and watching tv is my form of escapism though. But, it leaves me empty especially when it ends.

I ponder about ‘endings’. Do we look past things just so things don’t end? I’m being vague, I know.

I guess I’ll slowly find out.



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