You see me.

June 5, 2012 § Leave a comment

There are still tears stained on my face.One night, that’s all it took for You to speak to me, truly encourage me.


“I don’t know how you write, -or blog?..

But you know what I’m talking about.” The pastor continued praying into me.

“There’s difficulties that you go through, God has put you through school, difficulties you face.

What you write about, isn’t just for you. You are changing others too.

Don’t stop writing.”

And he continued blessing my life.

I’ve not come for prayer meetings in so, so long. Only today, during school holidays and my mother having cooked less and much earlier..And a great friend pushing me to come today.

I’m honestly so blessed. Being touched like this. Being acknowledged by God through a Pastor who only spoke to me for the first time a half hour ago -just before service started. And that also being a “Hi how are you? That’s good.” *insert smile.

God sees you. What we can’t shake? That feeling sometimes we get when we know someone is watching or that conscience talking that feels maybe just more than our own voice? Those clouds above our head we often brush off.

What you don’t know, -that I just got affirmed is, that He is real. I mean, he is passing messages through us and speaking and linking and practically nudging our arms. I am real.

Don’t deny it, I wasn’t going to.. but now, I can never or ever will.

Thank you,God for seeing me. Just seeing me.

I could emit a really loud, high-pitched sound right now if my strict and very exhausted parents weren’t nearby.


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