Here, now.

August 4, 2012 § Leave a comment

I’m grateful for time. Time makes way for forgiveness and redemption. If I didn’t have time to redeem myself from my mistakes, to turn around and make better the relationship with God -I would only ever be a little girl who never grew up.

But between people, I think it works both ways. Maybe time also lets us know, that it’s better to be apart -Although, that’s the thing, its always changing. It is a short life, but its a long journey that changes very quickly.

I know now trust is treasure -even those you trust may falter from the responsibility, and sometimes you can’t blame them. And what my principles may be, might not be yours. And what’s your method of dealing with in a situation, might not be ideal for me. That’s just that, neither of us can put our standards against each other and mark where you/i lack.

Still, more than ever I believe that friends are those who care for you beyond what they think you need -but what you truly need. You can’t put in your own perception into someone else’s matter, unless its your own. There is a need of being responsible to each other and dependability, what happened to a ‘true friend’.

From my own mistakes, I admit I could have learnt earlier to realize the importance of acceptance. You truly can’t love someone if you don’t accept them. You won’t be able to respect them for what they like and dislike, their character and wholly everything which makes them who they are.

And impacting or changing someone for good begins with loving them first. I wasn’t raised in a home with abundance of love and affection thrown around in hugs or words of praise -maybe why we naturally aren’t lovey with each other -But ofcourse we do. So I know that I learned how to truly love through knowing God. I mean, people who know God and spent time with me. Their patience and care all sourced out of a greater love than their own. Something which is pure and without other motives or desires. And also the church where there’s always a sense of being home, where you are bound to be open and honest to God when you’re there; and the Bible, words upon words to substantiate the love of God to us.

So, thank you for time, or I would only be one phase of myself and never learn to be better.

And thank you for love, I don’t think I will ever know a love any better.

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