September 26, 2013 § Leave a comment

Things have already gotten a whole lot better. 


take care


September 18, 2013 § Leave a comment

I’m finally in uni.

Orientation week went by and classes have started. I took a minor in French, eventhough I’ve been strongly advised against doing so. Oh well, we’ll see how it turns out. The campus and university is good, trees and two small lakes within. We walk everywhere and there’s an abbreviation for almost every building here. The room isn’t the best, but its alright and so is my room mate. I don’t really like complaining so I’m grateful for all the good things I have, anyway nothing really is that bad. The lecturers are pretty alright, some better than others. Although, tonight’s Anthropology & Sociology class has gotten me looking forward to future lectures.

It isn’t really all that bad. I’m glad my sister is here, a little bit of home and security nearby. So is having past friends from school at home here.

Then again, after all the shine of new things has faded -I don’t know, I might just be feeling a little down lately. Its weird, but in the early hours of yesterday only did it get to me -this whole uni-living out-Sunday’s in somebody else’s home church thing. But it’ll get better, I’m sure. It’s just been a little harder to smile or laugh sincerely lately. The kind that creeps from a heart filled with love. My tank might be emptying.

I mean, I read a book and found out my love language was quality time. I’ve had less of that, with what’s been going on, even when I’m completely free my sister is busy.. or ones from home are. I need some time with people who love me, to ask me how am I doing and if I’m okay.

I guess its a time to lean onto God even more. I remind myself that I want this and if God has done his part, I should do my part so his promises for my life are fulfilled.

It’ll get better. And as it does, I’ll own a stronger heart.


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