This One’s for the Girls

February 27, 2014 § Leave a comment

On the fourth day of the new year, I posted up a photo of some of my best girl friends with the caption – To love you better.

And I really think for now, being a true friend and support is something important to me. I know I won’t always have the opportunity to be walking distance from so many students and girls my age. I also know that at this point of time, so many of us are going through adjustments and transitions or just day to day situations and we just need a good companion. Maybe not a man, but a good girl friend.

This goes back to when I told God that being in Uni, I’m going to serve Him. While I am somewhat active in PKA, I definitely see this new arena as an even bigger opportunity to share God’s love. I really love these girls, just like the ones back home, and honestly right now there aren’t any guys or boyfriends to either rely on or support us (or distract us *for some); all of us are just Single Ladies.

It’s a good time to be there for one another. A good time to mature into young women (ripe for the picking *grins). No, more importantly because being 21 is about time to find ourselves if we haven’t -and knowing who we are in God’s eyes.

Going to dinners together, grocery shopping over the weekend, church on Sunday or just walking to class are not to be looked upon as trivial. It definitely adds up; and I believe and hope we’ll be able to blossom together as sisters, friends and partners to be accountable to.

Ofcourse we never skip over the popular topic of Love/Boys/Crushes/Dating. Its probably a ritual for every girl group on the verge of being good friends to ask one another about it. All of us in different scenes of a much played down and localized version of a Korean drama, but one and the same on our course in waiting for the right guy to come along. Already making plans to double date when we’re all snatched up, us girls, still a little clueless.

While I didn’t plan on going this way, but I feel like opening up today. As for myself in this whole boy-girl relationship thing, I guess I’m planning to just be patient. I figure the man I want will know when he’s ready for a relationship; And when he is, he will be serious about it -and he will pursue me (in that way). I’m not going to let on if there is someone I care for already or not, that’s for me to know and for you, to vaguely nod and squint your eyes about. But I do have an ideal that I keep quiet about. Somethings are best kept for later. I’d would also like to be able to tell him one day, that somehow he turned out to be all I’d been hoping for -even if he had no idea.

All in all, till that duly awaited time comes -and I don’t know why I’m talking like we’re maidens in waiting from the 50’s, But well, All in all, its a grand time to build a sisterhood.




February 20, 2014 § Leave a comment

Its been 2 days since the beginning of the second semester in Uni, and everything is still kind of moving slower than its suppose to.

Being home after my finals from the 17th to the 17th this month has ofcourse been good, for the most part,I had a good time doing nothing. Other times, I met with dearly missed friends and went on a refreshing family trip and also a mini adventure on a little island -Phuket!

Coming back to the point I’m hopelessly trying to make, I’m glad to be back here in Penang. I realize that I need a little consistency, plan or somewhat a flexible routine to fit myself in. Or I’d fall into a limbo. Clarity seems easier to find in this, and it helps that I’m on my own.

If you’ve asked me what I enjoy the most about being in Penang, I’d most definitely mention the liberation I have here. Sure it was and sometimes still is a little unfamiliar and the surroundings still seem infinite around me. Yet, I’ve found great happiness in it. In my own time and my own space. Being on my own allows me to take care of myself and make my own mistakes -allows me to grow up, actually realizing myself doing so!

It allows me time for walks by myself in the night after meals with friends, or in the morning when the room seems crowded. That’s when I think about life; where I am, my purpose, my vision -that I’m searching for. To feel like a young lady embracing life in God’s simple goodness. And enjoying day to day before the right man comes along.

If you can’t tell, my heart is full here.

I always draw closer to God, because there is no one else here to take care of me but Him and myself. I’m pretty okay with the logistics and basic needs, but God takes care of what I can’t. And that’s my spirit and my walk; literally where I go everyday and who I meet along the way.

So, I was inspired to draw up a list of things I’m grateful for.

The things I’m most grateful for in my life as of 2014.

1. Having a friend like no other, a Father in his every grace and stern manner, a hand to guide me and pick me up when I’ve fallen under.

2. A loving family, not perfect but working at it, growing older altogether in stubborn ways and increasingly visible greys. For their health and humour unique to the Yong name everyday.

3. For friends that grow with me continuously, that as I grow more positive they go with it and add in the coal to keep it burning -telling me of the increase in their lives and the new hopes and plans in the making. For every effort in this friendship and for every support, pat on the back, hug and nod in the right direction -For the time and love invested.

4. A new learning experience and playground to explore -Penang. The opportunity to study about cultures, beliefs and theories of mankind. The chance to make a new friend every other day and to build foundations for strong bonds with those here. To serving in PKA and being a lighthouse wherever I go. Oh, and being surrounded by good food and good people as He blesses me.

5. The latest addition to the Yong clan! Little Cayern baby junior. That strong, chubby-cheeked kiddo with the power to melt any aunty with his one-sided dimpled smile and high pitch laughter. With the loss of the baby of the family -Toby, in comes Cayern as the topic of many whatsapp conversations and joyful chatter over meals; Turning the most serious of faces into clowns talking in baby language.

Those are just at the very top of my head, besides the fact that I’m thankful for the life I have, ofcourse. :)


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