A note

October 31, 2014 § Leave a comment

I’ve had a few thoughts here and there, that I’ve typed down into my phone’s notepad that usually never make it here.

Been busy with CF and my role here, it keeps me on my toes every week -which come to think of it I am thankful for. What time I don’t have finishing assignments and attending class, I spend on thinking for the next Bible Exposition meeting or the blog or the camp (that’s crazily going to be under me!). Other times I do the laundry or pick up my thoughts while I walk at the park.

Typing here is always therapeutic to me.

Life is good, I’m doing okay. Although less can be said of my family, but we’re still going strong -God’s always keeping us going. Everyday life extends an invitation to a bright and beautiful day said someone, and I’m choosing to bask under that warm sunlight and bright blues. Basically, I didn’t get that scholarship I applied for, my house got broken into recently -in which my sister saw the perpetrator and is still traumatised, financially everyone’s doing badly and I guess its taking a toll on our relationships. Still, Cayern the baby in the family (my nephew) is really such a joy. All of us are bonded by our complete adoration for him. That I’m very thankful for, and I’ve decided to apply for a student loan finally. It’s really about time.

Personally, as friendships go, some will come and some will go. What’s good is knowing the handful that will always stay the same even as time passes. Other friendships however, need its time.
As for relationships, single as ever since .. well, since I became a grown ass woman! which means this bloke is taking his own sweet time. I’ve not felt like I wanted to be in a relationship with anyone else, and I know for sure because its something I tend to ask myself with guy friends I meet here in Uni. But as crushing as it is that that person from home didn’t feel the same way, I still can’t just start anything with anyone else. I’m just not as peaceful with the thought of other guys, yet.

Moving on, quite literally too, I want to serve my best here in PKA. I feel like God gave me this opportunity I’ve been waiting for and I don’t want to look back regretting that I was too focused on my feelings of busyness and burdened by the weight of it all that I didn’t do all I could. Least of it is for my spiritual growth with God to be stifled by the work I’m doing for Him. That would be ironic. I want to give my best at every blog post, every weekly Bible Exposition meeting, every promo slide I make, in PKA Family Camp next semester and in the lives of those around me. Not just while I’m serving too, but while I’m around.


I can try to be self-sufficient, but I want to be God-sufficient.
Hoping this cat isn’t just feigning tiger.


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