Mindfulness, of the heart

October 20, 2015 § Leave a comment

Eyes closed.
Deep breaths, in and out. In and out. Focus on the air flowing through the nostrils, into your lungs and out again.Feel the soles of your feet, are they in contact with the floor? Notice the pull of gravity as your feet engages with the ground underneath.

Bring your thoughts focused to your legs, skin against the fabric of your garment. Are your muscles feeling tired?
Stomach, chest, back and shoulders. Moving gently as you breath. Expanding, contracting.
Arms laid on your lap, relaxed. Feel the temperature of the room. Is it cold?
Neck adjusted above your shoulders and carrying your head.
Head feeling alright? Feeling heavy?
Ears, listening to the sounds around you.

Eye lids in-touch with one another -If you eyes are closed. Lips too.
Lips touching one another.

Lips. Touching one another.

Your lips.


I can see it, a familiar distant memory.
Yours were the only one I ever, ever noticed properly before.

Simple, familiar, easy.


“How did that make you feel? Don’t you feel alot more clearer, peaceful now?”

Oh. Lecturer, Yea I did.

Why did I think of that just then.

What a gentle embrace of touch, as if lips could like people, remember, welcome one another like old friends with that excitedness, glint of gladness.

There has never been any other person I’ve felt this way towards.

Out of the mundane push and shove of classes, I enter a talk. I’m coaxed by peaceful voice into entering my mind.

And in my mind, find a fading memory of you there.

*As much as this is my personal blog where I write on my struggles and growths, I am also a growing aspiring writer and I flirt with the romance of thoughts. I am saying, this is not entirely fiction nor non-fiction. Read and enjoy it, leave it at that.

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