One week’s worth of thoughts

April 9, 2016 § Leave a comment

This mid sem break, of the second semester of my third year in uni, I’m back home.
I’ve not had a busier semester besides this.
Despite assignments lining up my calendar blocks in written red, this mid sem break I am living it up in my shell. Shell my Klang, my shell of home, my shell my bed. Is where I stayed.
This mid sem break, I ate (snacked, Alot); I read (my current novel); I watched Gilmore Girls, tv, et cetera; and ate yet more proper meals with my closest kin.
This mid sem break, I was home and I was thinking about someone new.
This mid sem break, I have been comtemplating on and off the idea of returning to the CF’s exco.
This mid sem break, I received a call from the P of such CF’s exco board.
and now I’m knee-deep in thought.



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