Day 7

June 18, 2016 § Leave a comment

Its the halfway point of my 2 weeks fast.

I started this on the 10th of June, knowing that I am inadequate. “…in every possible way”said my mentor, who inspired this fast as we spoke across the globe on the day before my birthday. A 3am whatsapp conversation I won’t soon forget.
I feel like getting a theme for the coming academic year for the hundred over of us, would be like manna falling from the sky. Only God could bring such a necessary fall of basic need, a vision. Yet not something that comes everyday, although it did fall everyday for those people. Then it is possible, if we truly seek. If we’re truly hungry.

Her story of fasting and praying came about as she felt the need to better herself, (now to think of it) at the pivotal age of 23, my current age. I know this because that’s the age she met her current husband. Alongside her church in Johor at the time, she was fasting and praying and spent her lunch times in the computer room of the library. And one day he appeared, and continued coming back.

I’m not doing this to get a husband.

It would be untrue to say I don’t want a husband, or finding him would be great. But its more of my focus to seek God; for direction as president of our Christian Fellowship, to know how I should lead the committee, to find my balance in Him, to better myself. To trust Him. To commit myself to Him, and choose Him first.

I am bringing my personal situation to him too, but I believe as I put Him first I will know what to do and things will be made clear. That’s why I’m doing this.

I could not see how this will end, what it will result. I still feel the same, but I know he’s seeing me making my choices.


Till later.




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