To give than to receive.

October 1, 2016 § Leave a comment

In my mind I have written and published possibly three entries here. Things difficult which I wish to say, words my heart tries to articulate have so deeply wanted out but I could not do it.

There are far more important things than me, or my need to express. I can hold it in.

In the past weeks I felt like I had an emotional food poisoning. I lavished on good faith, felt the inner linings of my being dragged, whirled -let down. It betrayed me all of a sudden and I could not but purged in tears and nerves and strength.

It is a lonely season for me, I have known. And circumstances have not been kind, though God encourages me with angels bearing kindness. Its been a struggle to know when to lean, but mostly to break the walls I lean on so I don’t anymore on them but on my faith legs and Him alone.

If I could boast, it would be of my weaknesses. Yet there is still so much to be learned. To be humbled for. To inspire with.

I want to give more than I get.
I’m giving, till it hurts.

Where Am I?

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