“Do you really know what you want to do?”

September 13, 2017 § Leave a comment

Ive never been really brave.

I’m focused, sure, on things I have learned I want and I know are good for me. I know I love words and how they make you feel. You don’t need words strung in grandeur or in complexities of scholarly form, simple everyday words can stir a heart and evoke a warm memory. Leave you wanting more, to take you away to somewhere more whimsical, make you feel like you’re living an exciting life.

So I know I’d like to be a writer. But I don’t think writers just become a writer. I think we need to be telling a story.


I just got back from 4 nights spent sleeping on the floor of a friend and her roomie’s rented room. I attended 2 interviews and said “See you later” as I cried in the arms of my boyfriend, before getting to where I am now.. on a train back home. With just as many women (in the women coach) tired and unsociable on their mobiles.

Its been a long weekend.

One more interview and two more long train rides to go tomorrow.


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