I fell in love on the island, not with

August 28, 2018 § Leave a comment

I laid down and wondered : Do I really love being here?

I had to choose to be here, it was not the original plan. I thought I’d study in UM like I was interviewed for, I came to the island surprised, ecstatic. I thought I’d graduate uni single, well, I thought I would’ve gotten into a relationship by 19, but I never knew shorter days and nights or how easily they melded into one other until I was 24 talking and talking to whom it only made sense to make it official with, the beginning of my final year. I stayed on the island, something I couldn’t not do as green as I was in a budding relationship, whilst at the time fond of the idea of living and making a living on a relaxed vacation (island).

I thought eventually I’d work in the city and tugged through the day to day jam and hustle like everyone else. I ended up still here feeling l wasn’t ready – realising I needed greater confidence; a place to grow it and name my skill. This was it. So I stayed. 

Recently, I was given another opportunity and it made sense to stay once more. 

I didn’t plan for this. 79818549-0D9F-4ACC-B95C-50134FEF40D8.jpeg

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