1 Year

October 28, 2018 § Leave a comment

A day ago a friend told me she was leaving her career, boyfriend and family behind to pursue her long-time ambition of being an air stewardess.

I coaxed myself with the words I sputtered out to my friends, “well I’m already doing what I want.” Metaphoric hands were raised on both sides, settling myself to the fate I received.

One year into a role as a sales rep for medical supplies, a flexi-hour comfortable job I would say – except for talking up doctors and repeated rejection most days – she seemed to have had it good, I thought.

The day after, I went for my university juniors’ convocations. Familiar things.

The photos soon ensued; popping up and reminding us that it’s been a year since graduation.

It’s been a year since I started my job here on the island.

I don’t know if itching is an eczema person’s expression of anxiety but I often find myself inadvertently scratching whilst stressed. and wow is it getting itchier.

Dang. Should I be moving somewhere, doing something (else ((elsewhere))) ?

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