Awakened by Memories

November 29, 2018 § Leave a comment

Convocations and marathons, they ring two distant but not so distant bells at the very forgotten parts of my mind.

I was awakened by a memory, of a shy boy and a shy awkward girl standing together during a convocation. Waiting for a friend, wondering if this closeness felt right but mostly worrying the opposite. I stood waiting and you stood waiting as we chatted in the spaces between before our friend arrived. You had plans for dinner, apparently and all the more I felt awkward having to leave on my own after you.

You were tip tapping on your phone, our friend arrived and then another old friend arrived. Once an old confused date of mine, now he was roaming loose approaching us. I stuck closer to you and desperate to leave.

Then you asked me to come with you. I was surprised but you lit up even more to me just then.

Somehow or rather, later, we ended up in the car and on the way to dinner. “So this is the person you’ve been speaking so much about..” You politely acknowledge.

Though the memory of the meal is lost from me, I remember that you kept me in sight and didn’t  let the situation turn a moment’s like it wasn’t already meant to be.

2 years ago. I love you for being brave to not let me leave your side.


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