Hope & Expectations

February 9, 2020 § Leave a comment

There are more important things.

Than being petty with you over money and pride, over role and control,

Being disappointed when expectations aren’t met, despite such great hope for a long (ish) term career and what seemed a great opportunity to grow far

For a stable good income to afford savings and contribution to my parents after 2 years

Persevering under unappreciative, biased and manipulative bosses – of the least i can hope, praise of my contribution at its finality was true.

The thought of friends complaining over cheap last minute gifts or gifts that weren’t as expensive as theirs

Friends who do not spare time to understand, but put first their own pain

There are more important things.

Like giving more time and money to my parents, when its time for them to stop taking care of us

Appreciating friends who loved me as I told them to wait on my gifts

Being patient now with men in my life who sacrificed first so I could advance

Loving those around me and those I’ve left behind

I want to live for and believe I live for greater meaning.

There are more important things in life than those I leave behind.


as much as it does still hurt.




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