I looked for someone like you

May 3, 2020 § Leave a comment

I used to talk to God all the time.

As a child, I used to pray for my parents, probably as my first prayers ever, and cried to God.

As a teenager, I would lay on the bed and talk out all I had in my head, out loud. Not too loud, just loud enough.

When I went to university, I would stretch my legs across my desk and stare at the mornings while I wrote down my thoughts to Him. Or lay sleepless in the night, pondering, sometimes praying.

I used to play the guitar in my room at home, and strum the same chord progressions because it would soothe my heart.

I remember in my final year, I told God my desire for a boyfriend. With all the specifics.

On my drives to work, I would talk to God. I remember my first day driving to work in Georgetown, so nervous I got lost.


Over the years, I laughed and cried and talked as though He were right beside me.


The conversations have lessened alot. Though I still feel Him.


I’ve missed talking to you, now I realise no one understands me the way I need them to, as much as you do.


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