Drawn out by strings

August 11, 2021 § Leave a comment

Hi it’s been awhile.

After leaving my last job, every day I have been living in the clouds – afraid of the day the lightness I feel will dissipate and I will descent into reality.

I have been working at my own pace. Company is home and we entertain ourselves in this lockdown with cooking, eating and planning our next mundane activity.

The days go by not without each’ thought and emotion. I feel guilty and greedy. I feel so happy to own a block of time removed from everyone and everything else. Sometimes the sadness creeps in and the anxiousness threatens when projects loom (before I get the chance to break them down to achievable scales).

I’ve not felt like writing nor at peace like I do now.

Drawn out by the classics, the emotions I feel seems comprehendible and melodic to my soul. My own thoughts played back to me.

I miss the world and all its hubbub. But at least I’m far away enough to enjoy my peace of this world where I am.

28 and not needing reality like it needs me.


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